Friday, September 23, 2005

Best Bad Food

Whit, Pellicane and I spent last Saturday night indulging in a 2:00 am repast at Giovanelli's in New Brunswick, NJ. Setting aside for a moment the gastronomic wizardry displayed by Mr. Lester, our glee in shoving really tasty but grossly unhealthy cholesterol bombs into our faces got me to thinking. What's the best really bad food you've ever had? Where would you go if you needed one really greasy, really artery-clogging, and really sublimely satisfying meal? I really enjoy the White Spot in Charlottesville, for one, and the aforementioed Giovanelli's has a menu marked by diversity and excess in equal portions. Let's hear it from the assembled gastronomes.


Blogger Whitney said...

I used to enjoy the chicken-fried steak at the Texas-Wisconsin Border Cafe in the Fan area of Richmond (with a $1.75 PBR bottle) until they sold the joint.

Anita's Mexican food in NoVa is nice and greasy, though I haven't been in a while. And the legend of the Cowboy Cafe burgers and beers will never die.

Giovanelli's, however, is classic good/bad food. When you referred to the Fat Blunt that I ate (over at MLC), you failed to include the piece de resistance of that sandwich, the bacon. Bacon makes everything a little better, except perhaps your cholesterol level.

9/23/2005 12:48:00 PM  
Blogger Juan Carlos said...

There's a place in the East Village in NY called Grif Dogs. I used to wander home smashed and order a deep fried hotdog wrapped in bacon, covered in chiles and avocado. It was good.

9/23/2005 01:25:00 PM  
Blogger Donny Baseball said...

How about ANY burger at Big Nick's on the UWS? For my occasional heartstopper, I like A Salt & Battery on Greenwich Ave in NYC. Typical British fish n' chips, but opt for the "butty chips" (buttered fries) and the fried Mars bar for dessert.

9/26/2005 01:04:00 PM  
Blogger Juan Carlos said...

I didn't immediately consider a pastrami sandwich as bad for you until I considered that it's about a pound of pickled beef. I actually like Ruebens, so add thousand Island Dressing and melted swiss. And a side of fries and a Cel-Ray soda.

Katz's for the Rueben or 2nd Ave. Deli for the Pastrami. 2nd Ave Deli is Kosher so no mixing meat and cheese. I guess that means Tim is not allowed in.

9/27/2005 10:45:00 AM  

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