Restaurant Picks in Cambridge, MA
Can anyone familiar with Cambridge recommend any restaurants for a business dinner? Any kind of food is fine, preferably not the most expensive but not too cheap either.
wit and wisdom from the witless and unwise
The Elephant Walk has gone downhill. I was there last year and was unimpressed. I had eaten there a number of times before and was very happy. The last two times were kind of a let down.
I would recommend Chez Henri which is also on Mass Ave, but closer to Harvard Sq. It's at the corner of Shepherd and Massachusetts Ave. There are a number of nice eateries right in that general area.
Why do you ask?
Another restaurant to consider is The Blue Room. It's in Kendall Square near MIT. It is a very good restaurant with a decent wine list and isn't all that expensive. Right around the corner is a newly renovated Legal Seafoods. There's also Temple Bar which is a few doors down from Chez Henri near Harvard Square. Call me and I'll give you some more ideas.
Thanks. I may have to go up for one night business meeting/dinner.
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