Monday, September 19, 2005

Restaurant Picks in Cambridge, MA

Can anyone familiar with Cambridge recommend any restaurants for a business dinner? Any kind of food is fine, preferably not the most expensive but not too cheap either.


Blogger Mike said...

The Elephant Walk has gone downhill. I was there last year and was unimpressed. I had eaten there a number of times before and was very happy. The last two times were kind of a let down.

I would recommend Chez Henri which is also on Mass Ave, but closer to Harvard Sq. It's at the corner of Shepherd and Massachusetts Ave. There are a number of nice eateries right in that general area.

Why do you ask?

9/19/2005 05:24:00 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Another restaurant to consider is The Blue Room. It's in Kendall Square near MIT. It is a very good restaurant with a decent wine list and isn't all that expensive. Right around the corner is a newly renovated Legal Seafoods. There's also Temple Bar which is a few doors down from Chez Henri near Harvard Square. Call me and I'll give you some more ideas.

9/19/2005 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger Juan Carlos said...

Thanks. I may have to go up for one night business meeting/dinner.

9/20/2005 04:50:00 PM  

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