Monday, August 07, 2006

The Lammie Blog is dead...long live, nevermind...

I meant to discuss this with the powers that be during OBFT 14, but got sidetracked or stuck in the tarpits of apathy. However, it seems to me, and a number of others out there, that the blog format or medium is not the best one for the idle/stupid/crazy banter that we used to see with the e-mail list. The e-mail list is still active (I won't post the address here for fear of a spammer picking it up and spamming us all) and we probably should start using it. The blog will still be active and is the desired place for posting pictures or movies.

Let me know what you think, yes all two of you that read this...


Thursday, July 20, 2006


I caught myself wasting about 30 minutes at work browsing real and pretend guitar shredders. Dive in.

World's Fastest Guitar Shredder: Michael Angelo Batio

Neo-sumo air guitarist

Sunday, June 18, 2006

At least they're trying...

Russian police arrest 2 rugby squads and fans after mistaking match for brawl...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Shocker? I don't even know her.

No self-respecting frat guy should be without one.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Shakira! Shakira!

I've watched this video about 169 times in the past week. There's something about this chick that makes me want to speak Spanish...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Can anybody record XM streams?

Bob Dylan's new XM radio show - "The Theme Time Radio Hour With Bob Dylan" starts next week and I'm itching to hear it though I do not subscribe to XM. Does anyone out there, who subscribes to XM and has ReplayRadio or another stream recorder, have the cohenes to record the online stream for me?


Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Market is Always Right

Next time the science "experts" in the Bush Administration try to tell us that global climate change isn't supported by research, we'd do well to consider the implications of this article. Basically, the world's major insurance companies, who have a massive financial stake in getting this right, are estimating significant increases in expected losses due to climate change-related severe weather. Follow the money, boys, it's usually right.